If you don’t want to miss an episode, then you can sign up to the Fan Club!

You will get a simple newsletter which lets you know when a new podcast episode has been released and a bit of a teaser as to what we were chatting about. Episodes are currently released once per fortnight.

And of course, it’s the place to discover which guests are coming up next, any offers and exhibitions or books my guests are involved with, and any other textile art and embroidery news I find time to include! And since I don’t often have a lot of time to spend on writing this newsletter, it will be rare that you get very much other than the latest episode anyway. 🙂

Some things I need to tell you about signing up for the Fan Club newsletter

Once you enter your name and email address you will be sent an email. This is very important.

Please open that email and then click on the link to CONFIRM that you want to receive the Stitchery Stories Fan Club newsletter and therefore that you consent to me sending it to you.

If you change your mind at any time and don’t want to receive the Fan Club Newsletter then it’s easy to Unsubscribe.

There is an UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of every Fan Club Newsletter email.

You might want to take a look at the Stitchery Stories website Privacy Policy.

And if you are really keen here is the Cookies Policy too 🙂

Yes all this so you can get the Fan Club newsletter every week and find out when a new episode has been released!

Thank you for your support x