Jane Sanders: Textile Portraits Of Iconic Pop Stars
Today on the Stitchery Stories textile art podcast, Jane Sanders shares her vibrant and exciting textile portraits of very iconic pop stars. The stars Jane chooses for her portraits are famous across a range of genres, eras and styles, so there is always something fresh about her work. And even if you don’t like all of their music – you will love the artistry and stitching that Jane creates… in her kitchen!
Listen as Jane shares her inspirations, techniques, and how everything always comes in useful eventually.
Continue reading to discover the highlights of our chat and to see examples of Jane’s work …
Susan Weeks chats with Jane about:
- Instagram is brilliant for textile artists and growing our audience
- Textile art as a legitimate art form
- Rock n roll applique!
- Adding features to make portraits realistic
- Keeping a tin of glass eyes in the kitchen
- Learning handicrafts as a child and developing those skills into ‘something else’ that can be viewed on a gallery wall
- What to do with wadding and black enamel spray paint
- Using stuff lying about the house and collecting more
- Working towards her latest exhibition
- Seeing 41 pieces of her work all together at her exhibition at Arts Centre Washington in late 2017
- Making the most of our time
- What happened to Iggy Pop?
- Would you like a scorpion as a free gift?

Visit: https://www.janesanders.co.uk/
Like: https://www.facebook.com/stitchininthekitchen73/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/stitchin_in_the_kitchen
Other places mentioned:
Arts Centre Washington http://www.artscentrewashington.co.uk/
The People’s Theatre, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne https://www.peoplestheatre.co.uk/