Lynn Comley is the guest today on the Stitchery Stories textile art podcast. Lynn works under the brand name of Up And Down Dale and the name gives us a clue as to the source of her artistic inspiration… the landscape around her!
Lynn has recently relocated from the Derbyshire Peak District to the North Yorkshire coast and has been enjoying several changes not just in her surroundings but in her artistic creations too. Lynn loves working with her handmade felt, with machine embroidery and increasingly, hand embroidery, to make the marks and highlights to her landscapes.
Susan Weeks chats with Lynn about:
- An endless fascination with landscape and the sea
- Inspiring vistas and miniscule worlds
- A newcomer to textile art
- Getting hooked into feltmaking
- Leaping into exhibiting with Derbyshire Open Arts trail
- Moving from hobby to business to meet demand for her work
- From novice stitcher to addicted stitcher 🙂
- It’s not embroidery, it’s mark making with thread
- The delights of thread
- How to recreate inspiring scenes in stitch
- The patterns of the sea on the beach
- Experimenting with collagraph printing and felt
- Choosing Stitchery Stories over the BBC and Nick Knowles 🙂
- The Society For Embroidered Work
- Learning from failures and revisiting them
- The pro’s and con’s of doing commissions
- Go with the flow
- Getting over creative block
- And so much more!
Like: https://www.facebook.com/UpandDownDale/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/upanddowndale/
Visit: https://www.upanddowndale.co.uk/
Other artists episodes you might like: Tracey Coverley (who also shows at Derbyshire Open Arts trail) https://stitcherystories.com/traceycoverley/
Derbyshire Open Arts