As the host of a globally popular podcast, I get all sorts of emails about all sorts of podcast gizmos and ‘opportunities’ and random stuff. And most of it is overhyped and, frankly, annoying 🙂 Of course, I am NOT talking about the lovely emails I get from my listeners – they are always very much welcomed.
Anyway, the other day I discovered this really cool podcast tool which displays in a 3d graph whizzy diagram thingy. It shows all the related podcasts that my Stitchery Stories listeners listen to. It’s really interesting to have a delve around and discover other related and creative podcasts. Of course you all listen to other types of podcasts too, but this tool highlights related ones.
Related podcasts to Stitchery Stories
I’ve just had a quick dive around the diagram and have identified the following categories:
- Crafting
- Arty & Crafty Business podcasts
- Knitting
- Crochet
- General ‘woolly’ podcasts
- Sewing & Dressmaking
- Quilting
- Textile Art & Embroidery & Fibre Art
- Weaving
- Art
I still need to have a proper look and pick out some new ones that I want to go and check out. There maybe some opportunities for me to be a guest on some of those, or at least make some new creative crafty podcasting friends 🙂
I’ll add more to this post when I have done some digging and have something else to say and share!
In the meantime, here is a quick video that I made to show you what I am talking about.
Who can you share Stitchery Stories with?
And of course I always appreciate it when you share Stitchery Stories with your stitchery crafty friends too!
The more the merrier! Let’s continue to share our gorgeous and fulfilling art with the world to cheer everyone up. We need it, that’s for sure!
Cheers, Sue