SFSNAD: San Francisco School Of Needlework And Design
Today on the Stitchery Stories podcast, the co-founders of SFSNAD, Ellice Sperber and Lucy Barter share their story of turning their chats into dreams and their dreams into reality as they established their embroidery school in San Francisco.
Susan Weeks chats with Ellice & Lucy about:
- Getting worldwide participation in their Stitch At Home challenges
- Collaborating with brands
- The heartwarming stories that often accompany challenge submissions
- The power of attraction of a giant denim Peace sign
- What started their journey to setting up SFSNAD
- Building community near and far
- Establishing a large, varied and growing Reference Library
- Drooling over embroidery from around the world
- Not everyone is gifted with the ability to teach
- The importance of having support when making strategic business decisions
- Developing their signature Comprehensive Studies Program
- Learning to audit ourselves when designing courses and training
Visit: https://www.sfneedleworkanddesign.org/
Like: https://www.facebook.com/sanfranciscoschoolofneedleworkanddesign/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/sfsnad/
Email: info@sfsnad.org
Other people mentioned:
Natalie Dupuis : Goldwork Embroidery Artist, Tutor & Designer
Shahnaz Khan