I thought it would be a lovely idea to create an end of 2022 Stitchery Stories podcast episode based on your contributions.
Let’s lift each other up and share some JOY…
Would you like to join in? It’s easy!
Simply send me your paragraph which highlights how textile art and embroidery (or other crafting & making) have given you JOY this year.
And then let’s share some love to the people who have helped you create that joy.
- Perhaps it was a lovely embroidery book or pattern you bought.
- Or some fab hand-dyed fabric and threads and materials
- Maybe an inspiring teacher or workshop
- An online course? A beautiful kit?
- Hard-working local needlework / fabric / craft shop
- Website or blogger
- In-person stitching or craft group
- Helpful Instagrammer or Youtuber or Podcaster
Get the idea?
1. EMAIL BEFORE 18th DECEMBER (use the Contact Form)
2. Include a paragraph about the thing that brought you joy – ready for me to read out
3. Include your name and where you are from, and a link if you prefer
4. Include the details of the artist / business who helped you create that joy
5. Their name, location, and appropriate link (website is best and Instagram/Facebook)
I will then compile these, read out your stories, and shoutout to those ‘JOY BRINGERS’
It’s very hard being a small creative business so let’s all cheer everyone on who works so hard to help us to enjoy the delights of creativity.
I’ll make the episode, and of course, I’ll add it all into a post on the Stitchery Stories website, and share and shout about it to spread more joy over the festive period and into the New Year.
The episode will go out on Wednesday 21st December.
Let’s end 2022 on a high note of creative love.
Cheers, sue xxx