This week we celebrate our stitching, embroidery, textile art highlights from 2019.
Susan Weeks, as the host of this popular textile art podcast, shares some lovely stories and highlights sent in by listeners from around the world.
We hear from some previous guests, from new listeners, from long-time listeners.
What fabulous and inspiring messages have been received – these will cheer you up.
And in this season of goodwill, Sue also appeals for a mentor for a young woman in Russia.
Let’s make 2020 a fabulous year for Daria! Who can help her dreams come true?
Stitchery Stories has a Facebook Page and an Instagram channel – would you like to follow us on either of those places?
Like: https://www.facebook.com/stitcherystories/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/stitcherystories_podcast/
The images shared with me via email are in the gallery at the bottom of this page.
Have a scroll and a look 🙂
Our contributors:
Saima Kaur
@sewsaima on Instagram
Jane Cook
‘Stitch To Enrich’
Annie Taylor
@whitstabletail on Instagram #hasshenothingbettertodo
Tim Buchheim
@tim1724 on Instagram
Rosie Creyke
Linda Harvey
@lindaharvey1973 on instagram
Eva Kitok, Sweden
@kitokeva on Instagram
Liljevalchs Varsalong https://www.liljevalchs.se/utstallningar/varsalongen-2019/
Susan Pepper, Melbourne, Australia
Cas Holmes
http://www.casholmes.com https://facebook.com/casholmestextiles
Rosemary Cousins, East Yorkshire
Courtney Cox, Austin, Texas
@courtneycoxart on Instagram http://www.courtneycoxart.com
Agatha Lee ‘Agy’ from Singapore
http://www.agytextileartist.com @agytextileartist on Instagram
Joanna Dermenjian from Ontario, Canada
Alex Law
http://www.elaraembroidery.com @elara.embroidery on Instagram
Tina Francis Tapestry
Hi my stitch highlight this year (apart from all the lovely feedback I got from being on stitchery stories) has to be the unveiling of the Bee Yourself project where 1000 individually stitched bees from across BIRMINGHAM turned into one large tapestry project on display in the Jewellery Quarter it means that this year I have stitched with around 800 people on this project and others combined!
Craft builds community
https://www.tina-francis-tapestry.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/TinaFrancisTapestry
Related Stitchery Stories Episodes:
Saima Kaur: https://stitcherystories.com/saimakaur/
Community Stitching: https://stitcherystories.com/ionabarker/
Profanity Embroidery Group: https://stitcherystories.com/profanityembroiderygroup/
Annie Taylor https://stitcherystories.com/annietaylor/
York Textile Artists https://stitcherystories.com/yorktextileartists/
Cas Holmes https://stitcherystories.com/casholmes/
Tina Francis https://stitcherystories.com/tinafrancis/
Other artists and places also mentioned:
Jen Skedd Artisan Stitch https://artisanstitch.co.uk
Hull & East Riding Broderers https://www.facebook.com/HERByEmbroidery/
Burton Constable Hall https://www.burtonconstable.com/
Ruskin Mill Land Trust
Gallery of images shared: